Post by DavidI am VERY happy with my HP... and I have had mixed experiences with
Toshiba. I liked the DELL and Lenovos I have had.
Currently own a 9 year (ancient) old Toshiba, 6 year (elderly) old "IBM
ThinkPad" and have both an HP and a DELL for work.
DO NOT BUY A SONY (my opinion). Recent Sony laptops are not capable of
supporting the WindowsXP mode in Windows7.... for some unknown reason,
Sony disabled a feature of the processor which permits using certain
virtualization features.. they are supposed to be fixing it... not sure
if I would trust it.
Get the machine with the specs you want. Worry more about the processor,
screen, videocard, bluetooth, HDMI-output, Wi-Fi (802.11N preferred)...
and less about memory and disk size. You can easily upgrade memory, and
it is reasonably simple to have your internal hard disk upgraded over
Look at a laptop as a 3-year machine at the maximum. The battery will be
less than half powered by then, the screen will be significantly dimmer,
and the technology will be old. Given that fact, buy cheap!
You can easily spend $1200 on a laptop.... but a $600 laptop will likely
meet your needs for a year or 2 and then you can simply buy another at a
similar price point... in the end it is much cheaper to by "recent"
technology than new technology.... at very little difference in
performance when compared to the much lower price.
Just my opinion of course!
Post by Leona and MikeI am looking to purchase a "new" Laptop in the near future, Has to be at
least 3 gigs of Ram and 2.1 ghz or more processor. DVD/Bplayer and
burner. You know normal stuff lol. Mainly want it for
surfing/movies/picture editing/email...
Best place to buy? Best support? Best deals?
Leona :)
agree about the RAM. You can buy same or better RAM (Crucial, Kingston)
for less. If you want to have more than 3.5/4 GB of RAM make sure you get
a 64-bit operating system.
Blu-Ray at 720p).