On Tue, 19 Jan 2010 13:00:43 -0330, "Jim"
Post by JimDavid
So Microsoft makes you pay for 3 copies of the exact same program
to be used by the exact same person in the exact same home
and you consider it stealing when someone tries to do otherwise?
It is stealing. If you don't like the rules, don't buy the license.
Post by JimLet's assume you have more than 1 tv and more than 1 dvd player.
It's no different than Paramount making you buy 2 copies of the same movie
to be played on different dvd players.
That's where you are wrong. You can't watch it in 3 rooms at the same
time. Why should the manufacturer have to provide extra (extra not
necessarily being "physical" i.e. like time, or decimal places on your
bank statement) because you have the luxury of owning more than one
gadget? To use your analogy, since you're a movie buff; What's to
stop Empire from simply copying all the movies that come in, and then
distributing said copies to their remaining studies without penalty?
I mean, after all, they were granted a license to show it?!?
As you can see, on the surface, not being able to use it does look
silly, but when you start to dig deeper, you'll have an "Ah-ha!"
Post by JimNo wonder Gates is one of the richest men on the planet. Too many people
like you willing to pull down their pants and grab their ankles.
You mean pay folks for their time and investment? What a concept,
hey? If we were to subscribe to your attitude quite a few honest folks
would have been arrested for indecent exposure long ago.
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